On Friday, 19 August 2016 at 18:25:06 UTC, Engine Machine wrote:
So we can create types relationships easier:

class Type(T) : Type!null
   int x;
   static if (T is Dog)
       int y;

Type == Type!null (!null implicit, only if defined in the above way. Essentially an alias is created for us automatically)

Type(T) : Type!nullinherits only if T is not null(or a type that inherits from itself, which would then be valid).

Type!Dog inherits from Type/Type!null.

Type!T inherits from Type/Type!null as long as T != null.

Members in base(null) are not re-included in derived(e.g., int x; isn't include in Type!Dog because it's already there from base).

Something like this:

class Type(T: typeof(null)) { //< L1 (specialization)
    int x;

class Dog {}

class Type(T) : Type!(typeof(null)) { //< L2 (`typeof(null)`)
static if(is(T: Dog)) //< L3 (`is(MyType: IntendedType)` or `is(MyType == ExactType)`)
        int y;

What you're looking for is "specialization", on line "L1". Also some corrections on lines "L2" and "L3"

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