On Thursday, 29 September 2016 at 07:58:26 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 9/28/2016 11:48 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
If that is not allowed, why is this allowed:

I.e. you can overload '+' to do bad things. Yes, you can, and as I replied upthread that can be done because there's no way to prevent that while having operator overloading at all.

But that is not justification for allowing such disasters for the comparison operators. I.e. one weakness is not justification for opening the door to all weakness.

Interestingly, by shutting the door on misuse of the comparison operators, it seems D has been successful in discouraging nutburger designs like overloading '+' to mean 'OR'.

The language you just provide a set of tools, then it's up the to the programmer
to do what he/she wants to do.

That can be used to justify any feature at all.

This is not an argument to justify adding just any feature, it's an argument that it is idiocy to give a programmer a powerful tool, and then impose arbitrary limitations upon how they are allowed to use it.

One of the most popular topics of discussion in this forum is "Why is D not more widely adopted?" and "What can we do to get broader adoption for D?"

Perhaps one of the more obvious answers is: Do not prevent programmers from doing something solely on the basis that _you_ would not want to do it.

I think camelCase is hideous, but does that mean I should forbid another programmer defining symbols in that style? Of course not. That they are able to write their code that way doesn't mean I have to, and doesn't mean I have to use or interface with their code. I agree that '+' should always mean addition and '~' should always mean concatenation, but does that mean I should forbid another programmer from defining them differently? Of course not. Just because they are able to do it that way doesn't mean I have to, or that I have to use their code.

If I thought '>' and '<' should always mean arithmetic comparison, does that mean I should forbid another programmer from defining them differently?

You need to understand that _you are not the only one writing code in this language_. Your use cases do not summarize all possible use cases. That you do not need to use a tool in a specific way is not a valid argument against allowing others to use the tool that way.

Give us a rational argument. We are unconcerned with your personal dogma. What you refer to as a weakness I view as a strength. Programmers require more flexibility and expressiveness, not less.

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