On Thursday, 29 September 2016 at 18:38:42 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
You just can't use overloaded operators for it, since it would
not be in line with what the operators are supposed to mean and
be used for.

This is not a valid argument because what an operator is "supposed to mean" is up to the programmer who wishes to implement that operator for their data type. Not up to me. Not up to you.

Your thinking like this limits D's viability for real-world code. Programmers do not care how you think they are supposed to use the language. They care only that they can get their job done in a way that makes sense to them. What makes sense to them will not be the same as what makes sense to you. Relinquish the notion that you or anyone can have the slightest idea what any language feature is "supposed to mean and be used for".

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