On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 23:05:55 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Afaik string switches are implemented as a fairly slow hash table. Optimal solutions like building a trie would be a nice enhancement.

Dmitry Olshansky

Tries take up alot of memory for sparse tables.
I would like to avoid them.

Futhermore, CTFE is targeted towards smaller functions with low iteration count.
Therefore producing bytecode as fast as possible is priority.

This function from std.uri does now compile and execute correctly.
private enum
    URI_Alpha = 1,
    URI_Reserved = 2,
    URI_Mark = 4,
    URI_Digit = 8,
    URI_Hash = 0x10,        // '#'

immutable ubyte[128] uri_flags =      // indexed by character
        ubyte[128] uflags;

        // Compile time initialize
        uflags['#'] |= URI_Hash;

        foreach (c; 'A' .. 'Z' + 1)
            uflags[c] |= URI_Alpha;
            uflags[c + 0x20] |= URI_Alpha;   // lowercase letters
        foreach (c; '0' .. '9' + 1) uflags[c] |= URI_Digit;
        foreach (c; ";/?:@&=+$,")   uflags[c] |= URI_Reserved;
        foreach (c; "-_.!~*'()")    uflags[c] |= URI_Mark;
        return uflags;

I have to say I was surprised myself :)
It takes around 30 us to execute, which can be improved for sure :)

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