On Friday, 30 December 2016 at 23:49:23 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

The main win, which indeed is not emphasized enough, is better encapsulation. Walter pointed that out, and I will redo the DIP to put that front and center.

Maybe i can provide an example where i think DCD's would be usefull. Im experimenting with a more Qt like signals and slots implementation, it introspects some type for function declarations with the @("Signal") uda
and mixes them into the current type.
It currently looks like this:

// moda.d
interface TestSignals
   import modb: TestType;
      void someTestSig(TestType);

// modb.d
struct TestType{}

// test.d
class A : SignalObject
   import moda: TestSignals;
import modb: TestType; // has to be manually imported for the generated signal

   mixin signalsOf!(SignalList, TestSignals);

   interface SignalList
         void foo(int);
         void bar(string, int = 100);
         int bar(int a, int b);

   void someFun(string s) { s.writeln; }

class B : SignalObject
   struct SignalList
         void someSig(string);

   mixin signalsOf!SignalList;

   void fooHandler(int i){ i.writeln; }

   int onBar(int a, int b){ writeln(a + b); return a + b; }
   void onBar(string s, int i){ writeln(s, i); }

   import modb: TestType;
   void someTestSigHandler(TestType t){ t.writeln; }

class C : SignalObject
import modb: TestType; // has to be manually imported for the generated signal

   mixin signalsOf!(A, B);

   // i wanted to support string based signal declaration
   // but that would require double manual import declarations

   // import modb: TestType;

   // enum signalList =
   // q{
   //    import modb: TestType;
   //    @("Signal"):
   //    void someSig(TestType);
   //    int someOtherSig();
   // }

   // mixin signalsOf!signalList;

void main(string[] args)
   auto a = new A;
   auto b = new B;
   auto c = new C;

   a.connect(b); // connect all bar's with all onBar's

   a.bar(4, 6);


   c.someSig("emitted by c forwarded by b handled by a");


   import modb: TestType;
   TestType t;

i assume with DCD's i could remove those manual imports if they get some traits.

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