On Saturday, 11 February 2017 at 18:51:31 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Interesting, but the current competition is between Go, Rust, C++, and D.

I don't know, which fields are you thinking about? I believe the market is changing.

On OSX/iOS: Swift + Metal is the alternative, throw in some bits of Objective-C/C++ where you have long running tight inner loops.

On Windows: moving away from C# sounds very risky.

On Linux: this is more of an open space.

Embedded: C/C++, maybe Rust for those with courage? I suspect moving out of vendor supported tooling is risky (e.g. system-on-a-chip solutions)

Numerics: Python + low level libraries, Matlab etc.

But, the way I see it TypeScript + "native libraries" has the potential for covering a lot of ground. The eco system is exploding.

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