On 2017-02-28 17:37, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:

Maybe they should be, but with the basic git interface, or any front-end
I've seen, they're terribly convoluted. Particularly squashing. Well,
either that, or the docs are just really, REALLY bad.

There's no reason either one of those operations couldn't/shouldn't be a
(*simple*) one-line command, and yet, they just...aren't.

When I google "git squash commits", the first hit is this page [1]. That site basically explains what H. S. Teoh said [2] with some more words and an example. Next hit is this one [3], which again have the basically the same command, just with a more fleshed out explanation of how it works. Not sure where you have been reading.

[1] https://ariejan.net/2011/07/05/git-squash-your-latests-commits-into-one/

[2] http://forum.dlang.org/post/mailman.782.1488302816.31550.digitalmar...@puremagic.com

[3] http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html

/Jacob Carlborg

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