On Wednesday, 1 March 2017 at 18:28:00 UTC, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:
Well, it's Google's main domain, and they've kinda already settled into a pattern of making decisions more on self-serving grounds than for the good of the product/users. "Don't be evil" doesn't exactly set a very high bar.

I don't know, I have more trouble with Safari and Edge than Chrome and Firefox.

Google's main domain is advertising, same with Facebook. Software is just a way to keep competition away and collecting information about users.

The Internet is getting very 1984ish, but this goes way beyond Google, which I find to be better than average. Have you noticed how you receive advertising all over the Internet for the same product you looked at a few days before in a webshop and how Facebook and Linked In lists suggestions based on people you have only had peripheral interaction with? Extremely annoying. It makes me rank those companies as shady.

At some point there will be a resistance movement, forking one of the main browsers and building in collaborative blacklisting etc. Unfortunately, non-tech people are quite oblivious to what is going on. Maybe the new collaborative website annotation standards will turn into something. Firefox could take a lead there.

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