On Thursday, 2 March 2017 at 19:52:58 UTC, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:
At some point there will be a resistance movement, forking one of the
main browsers and building in collaborative blacklisting etc.

I hope, but I'm skeptical. Big business is definitely headed very 1984, but that's happening less because of Orwellian control, and more because of mass apathy and widespread short-sighted self-interest (more Huxley than Orwell, from what I gather).

The general public has become more ignorant. I guess to a large extent because of information overflow and the downfall of real journalism (e.g. the old payment model is failing which means media is converging on click-bait-ad-sales). A news story has to run for several weeks now for anyone to take notice, otherwise it will just drown in all the irrelevant noise (celebrity news and what not).

I also see certain issues with collaborative rankings - they can only be as intelligent as the average user, which often doesn't seem to be very much. And then there's other difficulties like this: https://xkcd.com/937/

I think it would be more like organizations like Amnesty International and consumer rights organizations having the ability to annotate websites and webpages with vetted information about the content.

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