On Thu, Mar 09, 2017 at 09:08:17PM +0000, Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I'm using ddoc for the first time. I was naively expecting something
> resembles dlang.org, and the results is a bit disappointing. So I
> looked at dlang.org and realized lots and lots of ddoc templates are
> required to achieve that.
> As the developer of a tiny package that nobody cares, I want to have a
> nice looking documents page, but I don't want put too much (or any!)
> time into it. And I don't care whether my documents have any
> "personality". I guess a lot people would agree.

If you're interested, I wrote a simple set of drop-in replacement macros
that gives you a decent formatting without getting to the fanciness (and
complexity) of dlang.org docs:


> So why don't we make the defaults more beautiful? Or make the
> dlang.org templates easier to adopt for average users?

If you feel strongly enough about it, you *could* turn my macros file
into a PR and see how it goes? ;-)


Some days you win; most days you lose.

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