Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:

In response to any claim that this isn't a real problem in practice, I submit the possibility that, if it indeed isn't a real problem, maybe that's *because* of people (like Stefan and ketmar) simply avoiding the feature entirely so that it *doesn't* become a problem.

exactly! you can include Adam here too, btw. we all prefer to use pointer args exactly to avoid *the* *problem*. so it is not a problem for us anymore... but we aren't solved it, we simply cheated. basically, my only `ref` usage is `in auto ref` (which is not a "real" ref anyway, as argument cannot be changed).

side note: also, with pointers i can do `void foo (int a, bool* res=null) {...}`. not a big deal: one can always create set of overloads to get the same effect with ref, but -- less typing! ;-)

yet i must say that using pointers in a code where they should be references makes me... nervous. it just doesn't feel right. but meh, i'll trade that (and safety, 'cause `&` is unsafe) for "call site ref indicator".

that's why i don't bother writing @safe code, btw: in one or another way i will be forced to hack aroung @safe restrictions, so no reason to start that dance at all. (or just mark the whole thing as @trusted and hope for the best)

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