On 06/02/2017 01:43 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 09:14:14 UTC, qznc wrote:
D has a painful history with two competing standard libraries. If you
seriously propose this path, I hope Andrei and Walter will publicly
and vehemently oppose it. Otherwise that ghost from the past becomes a
PR disaster for D.

I think this is overreacting.  "Phobos 2" is not supposed to be a
*competing* library, but, as I see it, more like an alpha version of the
next "major iteration" of Phobos. The "next major version" with a brand
new paradigm, if you will, as opposed to incremental changes to the
"current major version".

A clean slate is alluring, and there are several things that can be done differently in Phobos, as there are in any project that's been around for a while. It may, however, be difficult to find enough people able and willing to take such a large project off the ground. There are plenty of great things that can be done with the standard library, ranging from the trivial - documentation, fixes of bugs triaged as "trivial" or "bootcamp" etc - to the most creative.

As an example, eliminating phobos' and druntime's reliance on "static this" would improve conviviality of D in mixed-language projects, but we have yet to find folks to do the work. To the best of my knowledge only David, Stanislav, and myself have been involved so far.


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