On Sat, 2017-06-17 at 08:27 +0000, Sebastien Alaiwan via Digitalmars-d
> On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 03:53:18 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
> > When a new user goes to start using D for the first time, D is 
> > a PITA to get working! Don't believe me?!?!
> I'm running Debian GNU/Linux (testing). Here's the installation 
> process for the 3 major D compilers.
> $ apt install gdc
> $ gdc my_first_program.d

Or use aptitude, which I believe remains the Debian preferred high-
level tool.

> GDC is too old for you? Fine, let's use ldc:
> $ apt install ldc
> $ ldc2 my_first_program.d

Definitely, caveat aptitude.

> Or if you want the bleeding edge version of D:
> (download dmd .deb package from dlang.org)
> $ dpkg -i dmd_*******.deb
> $ rdmd my_first_program.d

I wonder if it is better to use the d-apt repository for DMD rather
than downloading. Downloading is always a pain for updating packages.


OK so it is on SourceForge, but it does work.

> Debian maintainers, one word: Thank you!

That's two words. :-)

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
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