I'm kinda tempted to offer a pre-packaged compiler download with my libs and some other useful stuff. PHP has done that before, with the LAMP packages.

And now that dmd is fully Boost, there's no legal barrier, but I question if it is really worth it because someone could just download the files themselves easily enough.

But still, the compiler+libs+samples and docs and maybe one of the ides could be kinda useful.

I'm also in favor that some of your personal developments be converted into std libs.

For instance, being able to natively implement a small web server with a few lines of standard code, like we can easily do in Go or Node.js, would be great.

And I know that you already have implemented that :)

So I can't talk for everybody, but I can at least say that having such stuff working out of the box would indeed make a huge difference for newbies like me, who'd prefer not having to chase for open source code which does what the std libraries provide in other languages.

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