On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 18:42:55 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 6/23/17 2:24 PM, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 17:31:15 UTC, MysticZach wrote:

Yeah, my take is that the grammar for `assert`s applies to the new syntax as well. If the grammar for asserts is this:

  assert ( AssertParameters )

... then the grammar for the new syntax is:

  in ( AssertParameters )

  out ( ; AssertParameters )
  out ( Identifier ; AssertParameters )

I'm all for this syntax, just one spec/implementation question:
If the new contract syntax (formally) shares grammar rules with assert, won't that cause more work for people who want to update the assert syntax later (since they will have to take contracts into account)?

No. Asserts are the meat of in/out contracts, these are actually asserts. Anything you do to the assert grammar should be done here as well.

I'm not sure I get what you mean here: Asserts are just one possible implementation of contract checking; this new syntax explicitly decouples contract specification from contract checking (semantics), opening the way for future DIPs addressing such things as changing contract checking from assert to a different system and/or moving contract checking from the callee to the caller transparently. My worry is that having contract specification and contract implementation share grammar rules leaves them artificially coupled, though I don't know enough about the compiler internals to know for sure: That's the essence of my question.

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