On Saturday, 24 June 2017 at 05:16:45 UTC, MysticZach wrote:
On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 21:36:07 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
Contracts within the DbC paradigm *are* abstractions that do not necessitate any particular implementation.

In practice, though, what must any such implementation actually achieve?
2. prevent programs in invalid states from continuing

With "program" in this abtract domain meaning the specific computational task that broke the contract, not necessarily the entire implementation domain OS process - it's just that the finest safe termination of computational tasks in the presence of bugs on modern OSs you get for free (because of process isolation) is a process. With a runtime environment (e.g. a VM like the JVM, or an appropriate druntime implementation) that supports safe killing on a finer resolution (e.g. threads and fibers) there's no inherent reason not to map contract violations to thread/fiber killing instead of process killing (if it's proven to be safe within that runtime).

3. provide information about those invalid states after the fact

All it *must* do is identify which contract failed (i.e. (file,line/row,column)). The rest is optional.

It would only couple the contracts with asserts if the DIP also specifies that asserts *must* be used for the lowering (which I would be against btw).

[...]. I'd rather not deal with that problem. It's vastly easier to just put my faith into the `assert` grammar, and hope that any improvements that it needs and receives will apply equally to `assert`s as well.

I would simply copy the current assert grammar into a separate contract grammar, so that further modifications to the assert grammar do not change the new contract grammar. But as I said, it's not important to me, it was just an observation/question. Should the need ever arise for (new) contract and assert grammar to diverge it can be dealt with then by whoever does the diverging.

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