On 5 July 2017 at 12:37, bitwise via Digitalmars-d <
digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at 04:49:29 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> My feeling is, having 2 very similar plugins is confusing to potential
>> users, and it undermines user confidence. Ie, users have the feeling that
>> they're competing hacky things maintained by some guy, rather than
>> something that's more 'official' with consolidated community support.
> I have to disagree with this. When I search for plugins and see a wide
> selection of completing products, it tells me that the language has a
> healthy ecosystem, with a lot of interested users. This in turn gives me
> faith in the language, and it's future, and makes me more comfortable
> investing time in it. I'm much more likely to forgive the bugs I find on
> the grounds that they will most likely be fixed.
> On the other hand, if there was only one plugin, and it was the "official"
> plugin, branded with "D Language Foundation" or "Digital Mars", this would
> paint a different, yet also positive picture for me.

I'm glad we can agree on that second point :)
On the former point; I personally can sympathise with that opinion only in
the context of being a nerd. It is my experience that most professional
programmers I've ever worked with are NOT nerds, they are just people who
have a job. Most people aren't interested in 'ecosystem health', they are
interested in authority, and intend/prefer to conform with the accepted
standards. The worst thing they can see is a 'vibrant' ecosystem. It looks
like 'linux nonsense' to these people.

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