On Wednesday, 5 July 2017 at 02:46:05 UTC, Manu wrote:
On 5 July 2017 at 12:37, bitwise via Digitalmars-d < digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at 04:49:29 UTC, Manu wrote:

My feeling is, having 2 very similar plugins is confusing to potential users, and it undermines user confidence. Ie, users have the feeling that they're competing hacky things maintained by some guy, rather than something that's more 'official' with consolidated community support.

I have to disagree with this. When I search for plugins and see a wide selection of completing products, it tells me that the language has a healthy ecosystem, with a lot of interested users. This in turn gives me faith in the language, and it's future, and makes me more comfortable investing time in it. I'm much more likely to forgive the bugs I find on the grounds that they will most likely be fixed.

On the other hand, if there was only one plugin, and it was the "official" plugin, branded with "D Language Foundation" or "Digital Mars", this would paint a different, yet also positive picture for me.

I'm glad we can agree on that second point :)
On the former point; I personally can sympathise with that opinion only in the context of being a nerd. It is my experience that most professional programmers I've ever worked with are NOT nerds, they are just people who have a job. Most people aren't interested in 'ecosystem health', they are interested in authority, and intend/prefer to conform with the accepted standards. The worst thing they can see is a 'vibrant' ecosystem. It looks
like 'linux nonsense' to these people.

I have to agree with that.

As you can see both plugins are wrappers around other tools (good, no wheel reinvention), and they offer some functionality on top. All that follows applies because of this: using the same tools underneath means that the same results are provided. There is no difference in functionality, only on how it is exposed to the user.



The main difference (and I'm fairly sure pain point as well for new users, at least for me) is how these tools are installed or expected on the system.

UX is something that takes a bit of time and it's not always fun (need to test many different configurations, support different systems which do things in different ways) and I really see no point in duplicating this tedious work.

And if you look at the contributors tab, you see that both projects are not in a healthy state: one is developed solely by WebFreak001 and the other is split 3/4 and 1/4 between the two authors. Which means that if one of them leaves the project (because of work,family, persona issues, boredom, any situation which might happen in life) the project is likely going to stagnate and become dead.

Having instead 3 active people on a project means that a lot of improvement and consistent work can be put into it, also easing the work needed to accept PR from the community.

I understand and appreciate the amount of work the developers of the two extensions put into them, but I think it's fair to accept that the current situation is not the best one for the users and the community.

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