On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 16:45:28 UTC, Anonymous wrote:
On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 09:58:42 UTC, Joakim wrote:
The last dmd we released that was written in C++ was 2.067, for which you can still check out the branch. You'd have to build that bootstrap compiler 2.067 first, then worry about the latest dmd.

Since we don't regularly build for OpenBSD, it's possible that support has slipped behind. Usually, it's as easy as adding OpenBSD to a couple more #ifdefs, but sometimes you need to adapt the dmd source also for a rarely used platform like OpenBSD.

I managed to build the bootstrap dmd without any trouble. Btw the wiki page doesn't mention that the dependency is *GNU* Make which is typically installed as gmake on BSDs. Then I tried building the new dmd and got (in dmd/src):

CC=c++ dmd -of../generated/openbsd/release/64/idgen ddmd/idgen.d
Error: cannot find source code for runtime library file 'object.d' dmd might not be correctly installed. Run 'dmd -man' for installation instructions.
       config file: /etc/dmd.conf
Specify path to file 'object.d' with -I switch
gmake[1]: *** [posix.mak:437: ../generated/openbsd/release/64/idgen] Error 1

Now I'm trying to figure out the /etc/dmd.conf business. I found ini/freebsd/bin64/dmd.conf in the 2.067 dmd folder so I guess I'll start from there. Thanks for the help so far.

Unfortunately, dmd has not kept porters in mind and hasn't kept the C++ version updated, or kept a workflow that enables easy bootstrapping:


You will have to build druntime and phobos for 2.067 also and collect it all in a different location, which you could invoke to bootstrap a new dmd. You may run into issues related to D/C++ integration when building the latest dmd, as that hasn't been tested on OpenBSD, only FreeBSD.

Why do you want the latest dmd on OpenBSD? I ask because it will likely require some work, though likely not a lot.

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