On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 18:42:39 UTC, Anonymous wrote:
On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 17:18:23 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Unfortunately, dmd has not kept porters in mind and hasn't kept the C++ version updated, or kept a workflow that enables easy bootstrapping:


You will have to build druntime and phobos for 2.067 also and collect it all in a different location, which you could invoke to bootstrap a new dmd. You may run into issues related to D/C++ integration when building the latest dmd, as that hasn't been tested on OpenBSD, only FreeBSD.

Why do you want the latest dmd on OpenBSD? I ask because it will likely require some work, though likely not a lot.

I've already tried building 2.067 druntime by mistake and run into problems. Most are resolvable by just adding TARGET_OPENBSD next to TARGET_FREEBSD. But yeah, it's gonna take some work. I want it because I'm using OpenBSD as my main OS and I have a project that I want to port to D.

Btw I should've built the `install` target (got confused by the wiki). Now I get:

cp: ../ini/openbsd/bin64/dmd.conf: No such file or directory

which is more understandable.

Alright, there was a contributor who recently got ldc working on NetBSD, take a look at his PRs as a guide for what you'll likely have to do:


OpenBSD PRs welcome! :)

In the meantime, you can see that I've raised this bootstrap issue internally and hopefully we can make it easier for future porters.

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