On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 18:58:40 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 18:42:39 UTC, Anonymous wrote:
On Monday, 17 July 2017 at 17:18:23 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Unfortunately, dmd has not kept porters in mind and hasn't kept the C++ version updated, or kept a workflow that enables easy bootstrapping:


You will have to build druntime and phobos for 2.067 also and collect it all in a different location, which you could invoke to bootstrap a new dmd. You may run into issues related to D/C++ integration when building the latest dmd, as that hasn't been tested on OpenBSD, only FreeBSD.

Why do you want the latest dmd on OpenBSD? I ask because it will likely require some work, though likely not a lot.

I've already tried building 2.067 druntime by mistake and run into problems. Most are resolvable by just adding TARGET_OPENBSD next to TARGET_FREEBSD. But yeah, it's gonna take some work. I want it because I'm using OpenBSD as my main OS and I have a project that I want to port to D.

Btw I should've built the `install` target (got confused by the wiki). Now I get:

cp: ../ini/openbsd/bin64/dmd.conf: No such file or directory

which is more understandable.

Alright, there was a contributor who recently got ldc working on NetBSD, take a look at his PRs as a guide for what you'll likely have to do:


OpenBSD PRs welcome! :)

In the meantime, you can see that I've raised this bootstrap issue internally and hopefully we can make it easier for future porters.


In master there is already some OpenBSD support. Some time ago I worked on druntime support but I still need to finish this. Mostly there is nothing magic here - just translating the header files. The only non-obvious work is required for the module/shared library stuff (in rt.sections). If there is an OpenBSD expert around who can help here it would be nice.


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