On Monday, 31 July 2017 at 07:22:06 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
4) What is the state of GDC/LDC? GDC team was actively working on including gdc in gcc project. Do gdc and ldc still pull D frontend, so there is essentially 1 frontend (where gdc and ldc frontends lag several versions behind) + 3 backends? I see in the changelog some dmd backend improvements. How the dmd backend is compared with C++/GDC/LDC? AFAIK in 2013 there was a tradeoff: either you use dmd with brand-new frontend or gdc/ldc where performance is comparable to gcc, but frontend lags behind. Is it still true?

It is still similar. LDC/GDC for performance and dmd for the latest version. GDC is currently being updated to 2.072, but it still doesn't use the new frontend writen in D, but ports the frontend changes to the C++-frontend.

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