On Monday, 31 July 2017 at 07:22:06 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:

Good to see D is progressing! I was active forum and bugzilla participant in 2011-2013. Since then I have not touched D.

Welcome back :)

3) What is the state of GC? AFAIK there were some improvements for GC sent as GSOC projects but they were not added in 2013. I see in the changelog that there are some improvements in speed and configuration support was added.

"GC" is still the thing that come up as objection from native programmers. Recently the perception shifted a bit thanks to the D blog (and indeed most users have no irredeemable problems with it).

-profile=gc and @nogc makes GC avoidance much simpler than in the past.

4) What is the state of GDC/LDC? GDC team was actively working on including gdc in gcc project. Do gdc and ldc still pull D frontend, so there is essentially 1 frontend (where gdc and ldc frontends lag several versions behind) + 3 backends? I see in the changelog some dmd backend improvements. How the dmd backend is compared with C++/GDC/LDC? AFAIK in 2013 there was a tradeoff: either you use dmd with brand-new frontend or gdc/ldc where performance is comparable to gcc, but frontend lags behind. Is it still true?

LDC got Win32 and Win64 backends. DMD still compiles faster, but generates slower code (about 2x).

6) I don't see any significant changes in D core from dlang documentation (except those mentioned in changelog for 2014-2017). Is is true or is the official spec as usual delayed :)? Is dlang spec fully and frequently updated or is it sparse as in the past? Is TDPL book still relevant?

There are several relevant books to own now.

9) Does D gains popularity?

Yes, from all directions. More and more risk-adverse programmers are considering using it, it's not exclusivey early adopters anymore.

10) Anything else 2013 D user must know? :) I don't ask about Phobos because according to the changelog the progress is enormous, incremential and targets several directions - I doubt it can be easily summarised...

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