
On Monday, 31 July 2017 at 07:22:06 UTC, Maxim Fomin wrote:
1) Support of linking in win64?

LDC: MSVC targets, both 32 and 64 bits, fully supported since a year or so. Requires Visual Studio 2015+.

2) What is the support of other platforms? AFAIK there was progress on Android.

LDC: Quite good. All tests pass on Android, see Joakim Noah's work, but currently requires a tiny LLVM patch. That will be taken care of by LDC 1.4. All tests also passing on ARMv6+ on Linux. A guy got a vibe.d app to work successfully on an ARMv5 industrial controller. AArch64 support is underway...

4) What is the state of GDC/LDC? GDC team was actively working on including gdc in gcc project.

And they succeeded, it has recently been accepted.

Do gdc and ldc still pull D frontend, so there is essentially 1 frontend (where gdc and ldc frontends lag several versions behind) + 3 backends?

More or less. LDC uses a slightly modified D front-end (yep, that's been officially converted to D in case you missed it), whereas Iain/GDC still uses a C++ one, with backports from newer D versions. The lag isn't that bad for LDC; LDC 1.3 uses the 2.073.2 front-end, current master the 2.074.1 one, and there's a WIP PR for 2.075.0, which already compiles.

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