But lets be honest. If I was just interested to learn about this "modern system programming language" that is C++ done right, I would dismiss D very quickly. We need to get together as a community and rethink your priorities, because with problems like this we're making it very hard for newcomers to trust in this very poorly adapted language.

Programming tools used by day to day programmers should be a priority. Because everyone expects valgrind to work.

The standard library should be a priority. It's far from complete (hopefully my company will contribute in this respect in the near future).

The DUB package repository is horrible! More often than not, the packages are so poorly written I end up just writing my own implementation. Adding the ability to "rate" packages would go a long way in improving the situation.

I understand hacking the frontend is way more interesting to most of the community. But if we don't find the time to improve on our visibility and language maturity, D will never get the attention it deserves.


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