On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 12:54:20 UTC, Void-995 wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 12:20:14 UTC, crimaniak wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 11:08:57 UTC, Void-995 wrote:
@property mixin(DataList!("firstSublist", MyBinarySubStructAForA, firstSublistMembersCount, firstSublistMembersOffset));
I don't think string mixins are required here. It seems just template is more simple.

T[] getBytesAs(T, alias length, alias offset)()
return (cast(T *)(cast(byte *)(&this) + offset))[0 .. length];

struct MyBinaryStructA
alias firstList = getBytesAs!(MyBinarySubStructAForA, firstSublistMembersCount, firstSublistMembersOffset); alias secondList = getBytesAs!(MyBinarySubStructBForA, secondSublistMembersCount, secondSublistMembersOffset);

MyBinaryStructA *binaryData = cast(MyBinaryStructA *)fileData.ptr;

    auto a = binaryData.firstList;

Thanks, that definitely working and doesn't require mixin with strings. But while waiting for response I've tried another thing, and I doubt I would able do to that without string now:

template MyBinaryStructGenericDataList(string listName, alias Type)
        import std.string;

        const char[] MyBinaryStructGenericDataList = format(q{
                int %sCount;
                int %sOffset;

                @property %s[] %s() const
return (cast(%s *)(cast(ubyte *)(&this) + %sOffset))[0 .. %sCount];
}, listName, listName, Type.stringof, listName, Type.stringof, listName, listName);

struct MyBinarySubStructAForA
        int someIntegerFieldA;
        float someFloatFieldA;

struct MyBinarySubStructBForA
        int someIntegerFieldB;
        float someFloatFieldB;

struct MyBinaryStructA
mixin(MyBinaryStructGenericDataList!("firstSublist", MyBinarySubStructAForA)); mixin(MyBinaryStructGenericDataList!("secondSublist", MyBinarySubStructBForA));


MyBinaryStructA *binaryData = cast(MyBinaryStructA *)fileData.ptr;


Yes, there is definately no other way but to use string mixins here, however if you switch to a mixin template, and put the string mixin inside of that, you don't have to do text replacement to use the template parameters.

mixin template GenericDataList(string name, T)
        int `~name~`SublistCount;
        int `~name~`SublistOffset;

        @property auto `~name~`Sublist()
return (cast(T*)(cast(byte*)&this + `~name~`SublistOffset))[0..`~name~`SublistCount];

struct MyBinarySubStructAForA
    int someIntegerFieldA;
    float someFloatFieldA;

struct MyBinarySubStructBForA
    int someIntegerFieldB;
    float someFloatFieldB;

struct MyBinaryStructA
mixin MyBinaryStructGenericDataList!("first", MyBinarySubStructAForA); mixin MyBinaryStructGenericDataList!("second", MyBinarySubStructBForA);

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