On Nov 28, 09 22:00, bearophile wrote:
Walter Bright:
and then s.foo(3), if foo is not a compile time member of s, is
rewritten as:

I don't understand, isn't this the right translation?
s.opDynamic("foo", 3);
If the "foo" name is known at compile time only (as in all C# examples and in 
Python) you can't use a template argument.
(And then it becomes useful to have associative arrays that are fast when the 
number of keys is small,<  10).


Probably because you can write

Variant myOpReallyDynamic(string name, Variant[] s...) {

Variant opDynamic(string name)(Variant[] s...) {
  return myOpReallyDynamic(name, s);

but not the other way round.

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