Leandro Lucarella wrote:
Walter Bright, el 27 de noviembre a las 15:30 me escribiste:
One thing Java and Python, Ruby, etc., still hold over D is dynamic
classes, i.e. classes that are only known at runtime, not compile
time. In D, this:

I like the feature, but I don't understand where is the duck-typing in all
this. I think you're confusing duck-typing with dynamic-typing or I'm
missing something?

Perhaps I am using the term wrong, but I figure it's duck-typing if you can go ahead and try to access methods of an object, and they are checked at runtime and throw some kind of method-not-found exception if they aren't there.

With this, it should be possible to construct a type at runtime, and have it work with statically compiled code. This should work very nicely to implement a plug in architecture.

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