On 10/25/17 09:34, Mike Parker wrote:
On Wednesday, 25 October 2017 at 15:00:04 UTC, bitwise wrote:

VC++ command line tools seem to be available on their own:


Still a big download and requires the Windows SDK to be downloaded and
installed separately.

Speaking from very long experience, 95%+ of Windows devs have VS+WinSDK installed as part of their default system buildout. The few that don't will have little trouble understanding why they need it and acquiring it.

This is one of those breathless "the sky is falling" arguments we hear on these forums sometimes. Usually from linux devs who are inured to having the GCC tools on every machine and automatically assume that because Windows doesn't by default that it won't be there and that getting it will be some insurmountable burden. TBH, the attitudes around here towards Windows devs can be more than a little snobbish.

In reality, it is quite easy to find a linux distro that doesn't have GCC by default, container distros for example. So the snobby attitude is really quite unfounded.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
import quiet.dlang.dev;

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