On 10/23/17 23:29, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2017-10-24 00:02, Adam Wilson wrote:

I've been looking pretty extensively at these two items recently.

If the database drivers are compatible with Vibe.d AND we wish to
provide a common abstraction layer for them (presumably via Phobos)
then order for the abstraction layer to aware of the whether the
driver is making a blocking or non-blocking call we must include
Vibe.D in the abstraction layer. Ergo, we must include at least the
vibe-core package in Phobos, or more preferably, DRT.

It can be an optional dependency. Looking at ddb [1] it's not that much
code that will be different if vibe.d is used or not. It's basically
only reading and writing to the socket that is different [2]. Dub
provides predefined version for different dependencies, i.e.

This of course makes the assumption that we clean-room our own protocol implementations which I am entirely against. Better to use what already exists.

I had heard noises about that a few months ago. Anything happening on
that front?

No, not as far as I know. Sönke seems really busy recently.

That is what I was afraid of.

What would the appetite be for working together to come up with a
reasonably generic event loop for DRT that vibe and other systems
could then leverage?

I would be really nice to database support directly in the standard
library but it's not critical for me. It takes a lot of work with and
massive overhead to get something into Phobos. It's also going to be
really slow get in updates. I'm not sure if it's worth it.

[1] https://github.com/pszturmaj/ddb

I actually don't think the slow updates are huge problem as these DB interface libraries are pretty slow to change themselves. For example, ADO.NET didn't change significantly from it's 1.0 release until the arrival of Async/Await in .NET 4.5, which was 10 years later. The biggest addition prior to Async was TVP support and that was tiny comparatively and came in 2005.

The libpq5 interface has barely changed in years. I can't speak to MySQL but IIRC it hasn't changed much either, at least not in a way that would effect the abstraction layer.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
import quiet.dlang.dev;

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