On 2017-11-29 13:53, Seb wrote:

UDAs for function arguments would be really awesome to have. Just imagine how nice the Vibe.d web routes would look like:

auto postUser(@body User user, @errors Errors errors)

Instead of:
auto postUsers(User _user, stringĀ  _error)


auto getUser(@urlParam string id, @queryParam int page, @auth User user)

Instead of:

auto getUsers(string _id, int page, User user)

(This is pseudo-syntax as I write this from my phone).

Yeah, that would be nice. I had another use case in mind as well, for DStep. Clang supports nullability attributes [1] which could be translated to UDAs. They would do anything but would be more for documentation purpose. I guess external tools could be built to actually do something useful with the attributes. Example:

In C:

int fetch(int * _Nonnull ptr);

In D:

int fetch(@Nonnull int* ptr);

[1] https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AttributeReference.html#nullability-attributes

/Jacob Carlborg

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