On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Walter Bright
<newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> So we can overload on @property-ness?
> No.
>> I.e. this works
>> struct S
>> {
>> @property
>> float x() { return 1.0f; }
>> float x() { return 2.0f; }
>> }
>> void main()
>> {
>>    S  s;
>>    writefln("%s", s.x); // writes 1.0
>>    writefln("%s", s.x()); // writes 2.0
>> }
> That just looks wrong.

Ok, so you can't have both dynamic properties and dynamic methods with
this.  One or the other, your pick.
Seems like an unfortunate limitation.


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