On Wednesday, 27 December 2017 at 18:32:43 UTC, Dan Partelly wrote:
On Wednesday, 27 December 2017 at 16:46:18 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

(*) "Better C" is a specialist use case for Walter and the D backend.

Also, if betterC is a specialist use case for Walter only, why does Walter call it "a game changer for D" ?

I am pretty sure Walter put a question mark after the wording, which makes it a question, not a statement ;-)

-betterC (or as I prefer to call it, -slimD, since I also use C, which is the better C) is needed in D, because otherwise it would exclude a whole class of programmers, and problems that could not be solved. Its' not being forced on anyone. It's there to use if is suits your needs, or peaks your interest.

Is it a game changer? That remains an open question. But D certainly needs it, for those that want/need to use it (which is not just Walter).

But if you want to write 'System D', aka Dos (D operating system), then you will certainly need -slimD (aka -betterC) .. with all its enhancements to come.

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