On Sun, 31 Dec 2017 23:50:04 +0000, Mengu wrote:

> - d leadership is dusty and so are their tools. we are no js community
> and hope we never become anything like them but bugzilla is a hundred
> years old. i am on github, i am on this ml and i also need a bugzilla
> account?

That's probably not the best method of effecting change.

With the exception of the "Add me to CC list" interface (which is 
inexcusable) I like Bugzilla. It might be possible to clean things up a 
bit to better utilize it, but it offers more flexibility than Github's 
simple issue tracker does (there's a reason Atlassian is able to sell Jira 
to Bitbucket users even with a tracker integrated into Bitbucket).

Druntime and Phobos are so closely integrated that being able to search 
for issues on both of them at once can be helpful; I would sometimes 
require two separate searches if they were on Github.

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