On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 05:28:40 UTC, IM wrote:

To clarify, I too like D. It is certainly very pleasant to work with. This post wasn't about GitHub issues vs Bugzilla. That was a get-off-at-a-tangent topic. This post is about what's needed for a more mature D; mature enough for extremely big companies to build bigger and more critical parts of their tech stacks in D (this *is* a huge investment)! The goal is never about making D a hype language.

I agree, a great programmer can handle anything, not just D as it is, but that's never an excuse to be complacent, it's never an excuse not aim for a higher quality in the D compiler and the infrastructure. Hope you understand.


D is one of the most interesting and easy to use languages I've seen in a very long time, and I really enjoy 'playing' with it.

However...what D needs, IMHO, is a strategy to better handle defects - as opposed to wishfully hoping that something will arise out of the chaos of bugzilla.

This is not my area of experise, but, if I were a manager evaluating the merits of D for use in a corporate software project, and then I went off to bugzilla and looked at the items for D.. I'd pause and think.....wtf is going on here.

I don't know how other open source projects manage this, or how other mainstream languages manage this, but I would assume there are 'best practices' out there...somewhere.

I doubt very much whether just allowing stuff to pile up in some bugzilla repository, is a best practice.

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