On Saturday, 30 December 2017 at 16:59:41 UTC, aberba wrote:
In this video[1] from 2016, developer talks about C++ memory safety features, meta-programming, maturity and few others as main reasons they choose it for developing their blockchain software (the way I got it from a quick view).

Besides, D maturity (which I can't confirm or deny), what else does D miss to be considered a better alternative for blockchain in 2018?

D is also more productive, has safety and unittest built-in.

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4jq4frE5v4

I can talk about this first hand as I have a project running in D. However, I would sadly not recommend D ATM for such a project for 2 reasons: 1/ It is practically not possible to write efficient crypto routines without cent/ucent, short of writing them in asm. 2/ The network layer become very tedious very quick because of how broken shared is and because there is no ownership mechanism. While none of this is present in C++ it doesn't get in your way either.

I would *LOVE* to be able to use more D on a day to day basis, but these 2 problems make it very hard. It is especially sad considering 1/ could be solved very easily. It literally took me less than 1h to add support for it in SDC.

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