On 1/14/2018 6:55 AM, Q. Schroll wrote:
How is (1, 2) different from [1, 2] (static array)?
It's a very good question. It's corollary is how is (1, 2) different from

   struct S { int a, b; }

It does turn out that int[2] is structurally (!) the same as struct S. This is a property I've taken some pains to ensure stays valid, and it has turned out to be nicely useful.

But consider:

   S foo(char a, char b);

   t = ('a', 'b');
   foo(t);      // equivalent to foo('a', 'b')

That works. But:

   S s = {'a', 'b' };
   foo(s);      // Does not work

It does not work is because s as a parameter has a distinctly different ABI than (char, char). The former consumes an int sized parameter, the latter two int sized parameters. A similar issue exists with the return value.

So far, the issue of unification of tuples with arrays (and structs) has defeated me because of the fundamental structural differences in the ABI which we are stuck with.

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