On 01/30/2018 04:02 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 03:45:44PM -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 

I actually agree with all of his points, except one: C++'s "enormous
performance advantage"?!  Is he being serious?  Or is his view biased by
dmd's, erm, shall we say, "suboptimal" optimizer?

Just yesterday I was experimenting with ldc while reviewing a Phobos PR,
and it showed that LDC was well able to reduce iteration over a range
down to a native asm loop of the same order of efficiency as an
equivalent C++ loop.  So, the cost of D (arguably better) abstractions
simply *isn't there*.  Both languages compile to the *same* native code.
Where's C++'s "enormous performance advantage?"  I'm not seeing it,
except in this article, and, presumably, in the author's imagination.

And of course, in the comments section there's the obligatory reference
to the Tango/Phobos split in D1.  Eye-roll.  That one never gets old, it
seems, even though it's already ancient history that the modern D
community has mostly forgotten about.  The internet is good for
disseminating information, and also great for prolonging ignorance.

Enough of this nonsense.  Let me get back to coding... in D. :-D

At best responses would go on Quora, not here. Thanks! -- Andrei

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