On Thursday, 1 February 2018 at 12:21:24 UTC, rjframe wrote:

Basically, in the two years or so I've been here, newcomers have consistently had IDE problems. visual-d is perfect if you've got Visual Studio (especially with recent improvements), but otherwise you have to spend a bunch of time getting something set up just to try a language you're not yet sure about.
Thank you for your time, and your thoughts

[0]: https://forum.dlang.org/post/p4sba9$1bga$1...@digitalmars.com

As a typical very lazy & convenient Windows user, even I don't want to discourage you, let me tell you that every developer from the Windows world will have a copy of Visual Studio installed. New Project -> Console Application -> Hit F5. It just works. Set a breakpoint -> Hit F5. It just works.

Every other IDE is not worth the experience. Why in the world a lazy and convenient user should be so masochistic to install debuggers, symbol converters or syntax highlighting and intellisense plugins if he can have all of these plus many more out of the box?

I you want my opinion regarding what's bad in the *first* Windows experience, here it is: - poor dub support. Ignoring inherent Windows dub problems, convenient Windows users are too lazy to open the ugly cmd window and run some commands; it will be nice to integrate dub in Visual Studio. Right click, resolve dependencies, you know the rest. - default install directory. In corporate environments, creating folders in the root drive is a no-go. - Intel OMF. My BitDefender installation keeps complaining for every 32 bit executable I make despite of zillion samples I sent to them. If you cannot compile even Hello World, why bother? - there is no official GUI library (remember, we are talking about GUI-centric lazy convenient guys here); - not enough samples in VS. At least an updated GUI app and and a Web server app must be available. Just as a proof of concept.

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