On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 03:24:32 UTC, IntegratedDimensions wrote:

Show me where I asked you to do any work for me. You are an imbecile. Just trying to stir up trouble because you obviously don't know how to read. You didn't like my response and so you are being a dick... simple as that. I'm sure you will get your supporters... some dicks like to other dicks.

What is your point? Where the fuck did I say that anyone needed to implement this feature? I like you parse things in ways that suit your agenda. Very convenient for you.

You seem to have a big problem communicating in a normal fashion. I tried to communicate on your level. Hopefully you understand me this time.

This sort of aggression is not appreciated in these forums. There's nothing in his post to warrant such a response. Please tone it down.


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