On 5/25/18 12:31 AM, Neia Neutuladh wrote:

I've first-hand experience with moderation on this forum: nothing public, at most a private email from Walter or Andrei.

This does a terrible job of setting expectations of community behavior. It makes it look like there is no moderation at all. I have no idea whether the moderation I experienced was unique or standard -- do most people not even get a warning? If someone is rude to me, are they tolerated while I am rebuked?

There is a "flag" link on a post on the forum, if you click it, then a message gets sent to an administrator who may or may not remove the post. In this case, the response to this post was removed, proving moderation does happen. I don't know what happens privately, as I've never been warned.

The truth is, the forum is very lightly moderated. We are generally pretty tolerant of legitimate conversation, even if it's peppered with some salty language. In this case, I'd consider the conversation from the IntegratedDimensions side to be pretty low quality.

I hope that policy changes.

There is rudeness, which is tolerated to a certain degree, and then there is nothing-but-ad-hominem abuse and harrassment, which describes the previous post that I purposely did not quote.

The former is likely to get you nowhere, but isn't considered worthy of removal IMO. The latter needs to be dealt with, and is usually done by removing the post in question. It can result in banning as well.

And finally, there's spam, which generally gets you banned.

So while there's no formal policy, what happens is effective IMO.


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