On Saturday, 30 June 2018 at 09:34:30 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Okay. I see that you see. I “meet” a guy, you know I admire that he _somehow_ made an

HTTP Application server that is faster then let’s pick good stuff...

Nginx Plus with tuning by Igor himeself

(before sweat too mich like Igor at least twice did - no shit these discussion, you THAT guy he rans his... GWAN? as if it was _just_ an spplication server.

You know not a word more but sombody who say:
- knows infosecurity and likes that stuff that say slices into the kernel - rootkit for instance
- aand say injects something into the kernel....

You know where it goes and yet that guy obviously good and the humor....

Boy wicked humor, I kid you not I “invented” this trick this morning....

AND *solved* the _mystery_ of GWAN.

Fuck, it is at _very_ least a brilliant hoax, and boy he is good...

He if that’s the real name....

I mean what if this is Linus (oh, my and you know GWAN started _as_ _windows_ “app server” ...)

If you don’t laught now... I don’t now..

At the *very* least don’t _ever_ go to DConf...

What the fuck with brain like you simply will not like it....

P.S. Atilla even if that is “alternative way” to *do* it... Yeah.

Let’s say you owe... a bear and an a few hours to dicsuss it, okay? ;)

I have no idea what I just read, but I'll have 10 of what you're having.

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