Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:
Right now we are working on a next QtD version. We dropped support
for D1, it is D2 only. I believe Qt suits all your requirements very
well. It's performant - we try to emulate as many C++ types using D
structs as possible, for drawing purposes. So types like QPoint - are
D structs and for drawing lines you can pass D array directly. No
perfromance hit. But of course we cannot avoid all of them, it is
still a binding. Regarding the license, Qt itself is LGPLed, QtD is
boost. you don't have to put any attribution. About stability of APIs
- Qt4 is stable within the major version. At the moment we are
working on signals/slots implementation. It is mostly complete, but
syntax may change. It will hopefully change once and stay forever.

I would say that QtD is in the state close to that of D2, almost
there, but not quite ready yet. But we intend to release the next
version, which will be ready to use earlier than D2 anyway, I would
say within a month.

I salute the decision of going with D2, as well as that of using the Boost license. If there is anything in the language that prevents you from getting things done, please let us know. The availability of QtD concurrently with that of D2 will hopefully push both forward.


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