On 8/22/2018 10:28 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
I don't argue against the usefulness of the features that github
provides, but I'm also wary of the fact that it's basically a walled
garden -- there's no simple way I know of to extract data like pull
requests, comments, cross-references, etc..  I mean, it's *possible* to
write a web crawler that does just that, but such functionality is
second-class, and one might argue, that it is possible at all is merely
a happy accident, since github's very design seems to be geared at
drawing people to centralize everything on github.  It's not quite at
the point of vendor lock-in, but it's certainly uncomfortably close, in
my view.

As for github comments, they get echoed to me as emails. So I have an email archive of them.

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