On 08/22/2018 01:28 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 04:06:38PM +0000, Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d 
I'm a little paranoid about centralized services like Github. I'd
prefer a federated service for source control / project management,
where you could easily fork projects from my server to yours and send
back pull requests.  Then there would be no extra cost for hosting
your own vs using an existing instance.

My fingers are very tightly crossed, hoping, hoping, hoping for good things from Tim Berners-Lee's Solid:

(Introduction, docs and project repo.)

(The obligatory zero-meaningful-information "manager's introduction", but worth having bookmarked anyway.)

If we're lucky, maybe someday Solid will pan out enough to have a re-decentralized Github built on top.

In fact, git itself was designed with such a decentralized usage pattern
in mind.  Ironically, people have rebuilt centralized platforms on top
of it, and even to the point of building walled gardens like github.

I don't argue against the usefulness of the features that github
provides, but I'm also wary of the fact that it's basically a walled

/nod /nod Exactly how I always saw it.

Another frustrating irony I noticed: Git was deliberately built from the ground up for performance. In fact, that was always one of its biggest selling points, esp. in comparison to other VCSes. But then GitHub, built specifically and exclusively around Git, has only in the last couple years or so become...uhh...*NOT* completely insanely absurdly slow. Still not "fast" or lean, mind you. Just not *horrifically* slow.

It's as if GitHub was founded by people saying "Hey! Git is seriously awesome! In fact, Git is soooo freaking awesome that...'know what? 'know what we should do? We should build a service around Git that throws away ALL the things that make Git awesome! Isn't that a fantastic idea!!!"

If I were a Silicon Valley VC, that'd get my money!

I've been low-key thinking about making a federated github, one where
exporting your data is as simple as a `git clone; git submodule update
--init`. Probably nothing will come of it, though.

A big "same here" to all parts of this ;)

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