On Tuesday, 28 August 2018 at 08:44:26 UTC, Chris wrote:

Last but not least, if it's true that the D Foundation has raised only 3.2K, then there's something seriously wrong.

The Foundation has significantly more than 3.2k. The Open Collective account is relatively new and is but one option. People also donate via PayPal and other means [1], with several monthly contributors. The Foundation is paying two full-time developers, pays me for part-time work, pays out bounties for guest posts on the D Blog, pays out bounties for specific coding tasks, contributes to the funding of DConf, and more.

Soon there will be more fundraising drives for targeted initiatives, like the test drive we did with the VS Code plugin, to make up for the lack of donations of time. Some of them will be for paying people to fix onerous issues in Bugzilla. It's a long-term project for me.

[1] https://dlang.org/foundation/donate.html

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