On 07/09/2018 2:30 AM, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 13:30:11 UTC, Chris wrote:
And autodecode is a good example of experts getting it wrong, because, you know, you cannot be an expert in all fields. I think the problem was that it was discovered too late.

There are very valid reasons not to talk about auto-decoding again:

- it's too late to remove because breakage
- attempts at removing it were _already_ tried
- it has been debated to DEATH
- there is an easy work-around

So any discussion _now_ would have the very same structure of the discussion _then_, and would lead to the exact same result. It's quite tragic. And I urge the real D supporters to let such conversation die (topics debated to death) as soon as they appear.

Either decide a list of conditions before we can break to remove it, or yes lets let this idea go. It isn't helping anyone.

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