On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 07:48:34 UTC, Chris wrote:

import std.array : array;
import std.stdio : writefln;
import std.uni : byCodePoint, byGrapheme;
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;

void main() {

  string first = "á";

  writefln("%d", first.length);  // prints 2

  auto firstCU = "á".byCodeUnit; // type is `ByCodeUnitImpl` (!)

  writefln("%d", firstCU.length);  // prints 2

  auto firstGr = "á".byGrapheme.array;  // type is `Grapheme[]`

  writefln("%d", firstGr.length);  // prints 1

  auto firstCP = "á".byCodePoint.array; // type is `dchar[]`

  writefln("%d", firstCP.length);  // prints 1

  dstring second = "á";

  writefln("%d", second.length);  // prints 1 (That was easy!)

  // DMD64 D Compiler v2.081.2

So Unicode in D works EXACTLY as expected, yet people in this thread act as if the house is on fire.

D dying because of auto-decoding? Who can possibly think that in its right mind?

The worst part of this forum is that suddenly everyone, by virtue of posting in a newsgroup, is an annointed language design expert.

Let me break that to you: core developer are language experts. The rest of us are users, that yes it doesn't make us necessarily qualified to design a language.

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