On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 22:02:59 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

Time has come to make a decision on implementing Steven Schveighoffer's proposal:


I'll note that this is not my proposal, my original proposal is in the referenced bug 1961. I did modify the DIP a bit.

My main concern is allowing shared to participate to the inout transportation. I am tempted to allow it, but shared is constrained much more severely than the other two.

It doesn't work, because shared doesn't implicitly cast to const. During the function body, the parameters tagged with inout are treated as if they were tagged as const. It works for immutable, const and mutable because all those implicitly cast to const. Shared isn't the same, because it requires synchronization even when viewed using const. In addition, if you store a pointer to something that is const during such a function, it is valid after the function exits, a pointer to something shared has to go back to being shared after the function exits, it can't remain as const.

I think, however, this may not be much of an issue. I don't think there are as many use cases for data types that are meant to be both shared and unshared than there are data types meant to be *only* shared or unshared.

To avoid problems with the existing uses of inout (which is an old synonym for ref), the language requires that you redundantly use inout in the return type as well. We could eliminate that in D3.

2 points here:

1. inout is not necessarily used on the *entire* return type. For instance, I'd consider inout(T)[] to be the most useful return type for array processing functions, not inout T[]. It would be difficult to eliminate this requirement and still allow such specificity. However, we already have a way to "eliminate" it -- auto.

2. the choice of inout is not my first choice, I'd prefer a new keyword. The inout compromise was meant to subvert the "we already have too many keywords" argument (it was Janice's idea). If there are no objections, I prefer what the DIP proposed, vconst. All I'm saying is, reusing inout is *not* a very important part of the proposal.


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