On Friday, 19 October 2018 at 01:53:00 UTC, Manu wrote:

This is a red-herring.
In short, he made up this issue, it doesn't exist.
This is just hot air, and only strengthen my conviction.

Produce, or drop this presumptious crap.

You are an obscene person. I'm out.

Oooh, I'm soooorry, come baack!
Really though, what is it that you wanted to achieve here? You ask for counter-arguments, are given them on *17 pages already*, are asked numerous times to actually demonstrate the value of a small contained portion of your proposal, and all you do is shrug this all off just because you presume to "know better", and on top of that have the audacity to call someone else *obscene*? Wow... just... wow!

You win.

I didn't know it was a contest.

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